Lenovo Yoga Pro - a mouse with fantastic battery life

If you are looking for a decent mouse with fantastic battery performance, then the Lenovo Yoga Pro might be a good joice

Lenovo Yoga Pro battery life

When I started testing the Lenovo Yoga Pro mouse couple of weeks ago I didn't pay much attention of the claimed 3 months of battery life. I checked the manufacturers page and this info was corrrect - depending on the usage you can get pretty satisfying battery performance out of this mouse.

Lenovo Yoga Pro battery performance - our tests

Lenovo Yoga Pro bluetooth paired

So, in for the time we have tested the Lenovo Yoga Pro mouse it showed it has potential to reach the mentioned 3 months of use with one charge. Before we tested the mouse I would have said that is quite optimistic, but now I think it is quite realistc. 

Here is a screenshot of the remaining battery life after one week of moderate use (using the laptop that it is paired with for couple of hours per day): 

mouse battery life

As you can see, the remaining battery is at 89% which is just amazing. The nice thing about it is that you don't need to turn it on and off, unlike other models like the Razer Basilisk X HyperSpeed which I need to turn on and off after each use or the battery will drain while on idle.

And here is a video with more info about our consumer experience with the Lenovo Yoga Pro mouse:

So, this is our honest opinion after we tested the battery performance on the mighty Lenovo Yoga Pro mouse. We will give it some more time of active use before we check if the claimed 3 months battery life is possible.

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