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TCL 43S350R - TV technical review

TCL 43S350R - product price, features and specifications

TCL 43S350R TV

It has been quite some time since we paid more attention to any cheap TV. And as I usually say, for those who regularly follow our blog you know that we like reviewing cheap TVs.

Todays offer we found on Amazon where many products by the Chinese manufacturer TCL are offered. The model is 43S350R and basically is a 43-inch Full HD TV

Potensic ATOM SE - cheap sub 249g drone review

We test and review the Potensic ATOM SE, which is a cheap sub 249g drone

Potensic ATOM SE tested
In a world where drones are increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives, the Potensic ATOM SE drone stands out as a remarkable option for those seeking a compact, lightweight, and feature-packed drone that's perfect for outdoor adventures. With its ability to capture stunning 4K HD footage and a suite of impressive features, the ATOM SE is set to redefine your aerial photography experience.

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Activate Safe Mode on Your Galaxy Mobile Device


Safe Mode is a valuable feature on Galaxy mobile devices that can help troubleshoot various issues by running the phone with a limited set of apps and settings. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable Safe Mode on your Galaxy smartphone.

Unlocking the Beat: Enjoying Music on Your Galaxy Z Flip Without a Headphone Jack

Today we discuss Galaxy Flip's Headphone Jack Compatibility

If you're the proud owner of a Galaxy Z Flip, you might have wondered whether this sleek and innovative device supports a traditional headphone jack. The answer is no, but fear not! We've got you covered with alternative ways to enjoy crystal-clear music through your headphones on your Galaxy Z Flip.