Trust GXT 161 Disan vs HP Wireless Mouse Z4000 - optical mouse comparison
Today we are going to compare the Trust GXT 161 Disan and HP Wireless Mouse Z4000 optical mouse. Well, I guess many of you would say "howcome you will compare an office mouse with a gaming one".
Yes, we know that on paper these are two completely different products aiming at different clients but they both ended up in our hands doing one and the same thing - serving us our desktop PCs and laptops on daily basis.
Trust GXT 161 Disan vs HP Wireless Mouse Z4000 - product specifications
To start this comparison properly, we need to go through the main specifications of each product
Trust GXT 161 Disan and HP Wireless Mouse Z4000 are priced quite similarly - the HP is some 20% cheaper though offered at around 25 Euro.
Now lets take a closer look and check the video reviews for these products:
Trust GXT 161 Disan video reviewHP Wireless Mouse Z4000 video review
Our opinion
Well, to be honest, after using both products for couple of months we think that the Trust GXT 161 Disan is worth spending the extra money. It is much more comfortable to use, battery holds charge for about a week and then recharging is easy with the USB cable.
On the other hand, the Z4000 by HP is a good mouse but we would only rate it as fair due to some issues - the mouse itself sits quite low in the palm and at least for us it was quite uncomfortable to use for longer period of time. Also, batteries drained quite fast so it became expensive to maintain by changing them every couple of months.
Feel free to check the full reviews of these products and few other that we would put as competition: