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BMW 3 series (G20) vs 5 series (G30)

BMW 3 series (G20) vs 5 series (G30) - video comparison of the latest editions of the luxury sedans 

3 series (G20) vs 5 series (G30)

The all new BMW 3 series (G20) showed up in showrooms just few weeks ago and it caused a lot of discussions in the automotive world. The best selling small Bavarian sedan is far from revolutionary but it is entirely new compared to the previous generation 3-series.

Many BMW fans do not completely approve its design language and features but this is what they will see in the next few years.

Being the newer model, the G20 is the fresher looking car and kudos to its designers that they didn't go for a huge grill like we see in some other BMW models.

The 5-series G30 is the more settled vehicle but that is not a good thing in this case. BMW is a premium brand which costs way above the average and the last hing we expect it to be is settled. Probably many of you remember with nostalgia when Chris Bangle was in charge of a team that made cars to remember. His era is still a topic for discussion with controversial design features in the E81 / E82 / E87 / E88, E90 / E91 / E92 / E93, E60 / E61, E63 / E64, E65 / E66 and E53 platforms.

BMW in 2020
For 2020 we expect entirely new approach from BMW. With the hybrid and electric trends in the automotive industry, we believe it wouldn't be just the design that is going to change dramatically. We hope these changes in BMW Group would be for the better (honestly, we are not very proud with its "production" in the last decade, no matter the good sales results).

Which one of those two cars and why? Please share your opinion about the G20 and the G30 in the comments!

And if you are interested in the previous generation 3-series, please check:
And if you are a 5-series fan, you can have a quick look at the BMW M5 (F10) test drive.

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