Consumer tests and product reviews


Cirtex Hosting web hosting review

Cirtex - personal web hosting review 

CIRTEXHOSTING is a clear example of bad hosting services

Cirtex web hosting review
- today we are going to review one of the worst hosting companies we've ever came up on. Cirtex Hosting is based in the US and they claim they offer premium hosting services like shared hosting, VPS and dedicated services.

Unfortunately, these services are far from premium and choosing a hosting company like this one may lead to many problems.

To start with their shared servers are real disaster. Users often find out that some of their sites hosted on Cirtex shared servers are down for days with no reason at all. It is very often that you find your site with a 500 or 508 error message as well. These are thanks to very low limits of their shared services, no matter it says another thing on your hosting plan.

Their 99.9% uptime guarantee is anything else but achievable, probably a dream result that Cirtex hosting may reach one day (in the far future).

Cirtex Hosting 24/7 support is not any better. Most of the time you will get some copy-paste messages saying everything is fine at their end and your sites are up and online, even though all ping monitors may show the opposite.

As a conclusion we would say we find their services unreliable and from 1 to 10 we would give Cirtex a score of 2 (they have a color website after all).

Thanks for checking our Cirtex Hosting web hosting review!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately feedback and reviews like this one do not reach the customers as payed reviews show up on top of search results. As a result consumers don't get accurate information about the services they are interested. In this case it will be very hard for you to find this Cirtex hosting review after performing a search in Google. We consider this an epic fail in freedom of speech and the basic right to receive proper information without misleading the consumer for any kind of profit.


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